Hi! I’m Hero, the creator and host of the All Of Us podcast.
All Of Us was born in 2020 as a love letter to the human experience.
Through weekly episodes, I aim to destigmatize discussion around the world of internal obstacles that we face on a daily basis, and for listeners to take comfort in hearing that we are all on a continuously evolving journey with our mental health.
The ethos of the podcast is rooted in the notion that, in one way or another, it’s not just you or me going through something, it’s all of us.
During my freshman year at Barnard College in New York, I began experiencing severe bouts of anxiety and depression, which led to the development of an eating disorder that completely changed the course of my young life. By the end of the year, my rapidly declining physical and mental health left me with no choice but to put school on pause and move home to Los Angeles.
I was dumbfounded as to how I had veered so suddenly in such an unforeseen and dangerous direction, and even more so, how little control I felt over any of it. I was trapped in a dark place, and knew I was being kept there by the isolation that my eating disorder so strongly abetted.
Ultimately, I came to accept the fact that I was dealing with something much too powerful to overcome on my own. It was at this point that I made the decision to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to recovery, which began by reaching outwards.
Over the next several years, I sought guidance from various doctors, therapists, healers, and friends - all of whom supported and aided me in respectively unique ways. I noticed that there was something profoundly healing that each interaction brought me, regardless of the information being offered. What changed my life, and what inspired the creation of All Of Us, was the simple act of connecting over something very real, and the extraordinary relief of honest conversation after years of suppressing and concealing my truth.
It was finally realizing that the mental health journey is a process to be radically embraced.
With love,